Reusable swim nappies are becoming a popular option with mothers today. But what are they? How do you use them? And what are their benefits?
There are two main components to reusable swim nappies: a waterproof PUL outer layer and a mesh inner layer. The mesh inner will catch any solid wastes and the waterproof PUL outer will prevent them from escaping. So the baby’s wees will pass through, but not the solids.
When your baby does a poo, simply plop the solid wastes in the toilet, give your swim nappy a quick rinse and wash in the washing machine. It’s that easy!
Absolutely not. If you were to use inserts with your swim nappy, you would find them soaking up as much water as possible as soon as your baby stepped into the water. This will result in weighing down your child and will not be useful at all in soaking up any solid or liquid wastes.
You do not need a disposable nappy under your reusable swim nappy. Our swim nappy has a mesh inner, which is designed to catch the poos, and allow the wees to be expelled from the swim nappy. As long as the swim nappy is adjusted and fitting snuggly around your baby's waist and thighs, there should not be any poo leakages.
Please keep in mind that if you would like your little one to be wearing their swim nappy on the way to the pool/beach (for example, in the car, pram, etc.) or at any time when they are out of the water, then we would recommend putting them in a cloth nappy or disposable nappy, as the swim nappies will not catch their wees. Please put your child in their swim nappy only when they are going to get into the water.
Once the solid waste has been rinsed out into the toilet, feel free to wash your nappy in the washing machine. No need for a heavy cycle, just an everyday or quick cycle should do the job.
Air drying is recommended. If this option is not available to you, then use a dryer at a delicate or tumble dry setting to maintain the integrity of the swim nappy.
Disposable swim nappies are the option that parents who use disposable nappies on the children tend to gravitate towards for their child’s swimming needs. Some parents don’t even know about reusable swim nappies!
If you are a parent who uses disposable swim nappies, you might find yourself going through a pack of them at every beach trip. The constant switch between disposable swim nappy and regular nappy will have you spending lots of money during a fun day out. If your child regularly participates in swim lessons, you’ll need a couple for each session.
You will also have to keep in mind that as your child grows, you will need new disposable swim nappies and the couple you still have from your old pack will be redundant.
So much money wasted for a problem that is easily resolvable by using reusable swim nappies!
You’ll also find that reusable swim nappies are much gentler on baby’s bottoms than disposables.
An extensive articles about swim nappies is written on Baby Centre website here
Here are some awesome features to consider about Waladi’s reusable swim nappies: